Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thinking about Saskatchewan

I'm looking forward to my next birding trip where I'll be visiting Saskatchewan again with my friend Tom Hince.   Here are a few images from a trip we took last year to the western portion of the province, from Turtle Lake south to the Cypress Hills and Grasslands National Park. 

 Sunrise near Turtle Lake

American Avocet

Family of Richardson's Ground Squirrels

a Nuttall's Cottontail relaxing in Grasslands National Park

vista from Jone's Peak

 Pronghorns were commonly seen during the trip. 

I've never seen a Pronghorn  jump over a  fence.

Alkali flat south of the Cypress Hills

Marbled Godwit

Northern Harrier with vole nest

Yellow-headed Blackbird

outhouse, south of Cypress Hills

Prairie Rattlesnake


  1. The Nuttall's Cottontail photo is great. We don't have a photo of that species on E-Fauna so far and I was wondering how to tell it apart from the Eastern Cottontail.
